Nutrition Therapy for Adult Eating Disorders in Tennessee
Nutrition counseling is an ongoing process in Haven Of Hope Eating Disorder Care Center. Our registered dietitian works individually with each resident to assess her usual dietary intake and identify areas where changes can be made to promote recovery.

Nutrition Therapy for Adult Eating Disorders in Tennessee
Nutrition counseling is an ongoing process in Haven Of Hope Eating Disorder Care Center. Our registered dietitian works individually with each resident to assess her usual dietary intake and identify areas where changes can be made to promote recovery. The dietitian provides education, support, and interventions to help make and maintain nutritional progress.
At Haven Of Hope, we know that eating disorders aren't just about food, and that your daughter cannot recover from an eating disorder without food. No matter what your daughter's symptoms look like, she deserves freedom from disordered eating and to have a peaceful relationship with nutrition.
Weight Inclusive Eating Disorder Treatment
Haven Of Hope recognizes the diversity in human bodies and welcomes young women of all body shapes and sizes into our care center. Working from a health at every size (HAES) framework, it allows us to focus on health-promoting behaviors to counter diet-culture and weight stigma. Haven Of Hope also aligns with an 'all foods fit' mentality, which means that we believe that all foods can fit into a well-rounded diet.
Nutrition Therapy Goals
Our nutrition team at Haven Of Hope will focus on awareness around feelings of hunger, fullness, and food preferences. We’ll also focus on awareness around feelings of hunger, fullness, and satisfaction. At the same time, we'll adult about the important role nutrition plays in their growth and development.
- Evaluating present food intake, eating habits, and nutrient levels
- Nutrition education
- Creating a custom nutrition meal plan
- Patient-dietitian collaboration
- Improve attitudes towards food
- Introduce creativity into the diet
- Identify and develop relapse prevention skills
Benefits of Individual Therapy for Eating Disorders
Individual therapy at Haven of Hope is an integral part of the eating disorder recovery process, providing a range of benefits to help control and overcome their dysfunctional nutrition. Our individual eating disorder therapy program brings real hope for patients by teaching and improving critical skills such as:
What Causes Eating Disorders in Young Women?
The development of eating disorders is rarely linked to an isolated event or situation but instead thought to develop due to a number of different factors.
Genetics & Family History
Peer pressure
Co-occurring mental health disorders
Substance use
We’re Here to Help
In our Tennessee residential program for adults, you’ll quickly discover the warm and nurturing inpatient environment we’ve created to help you heal and recover from her disordered eating problems. We understand the complexities and sensitivities surrounding eating disorders, and we take an integrated, evidence-based approach to getting you well again. Individual therapy is an integral component and allows trust to be established that encourages honesty. It also helps you to understand there is no judgement or shame, only hope and understanding. Our individual program in Saylorsburg is designed to discover, address, and nurture them to heal, grow & blossom!
Call us today at 901-399-9400 to learn more about our eating disorder treatment program for you.